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Thanksgiving Turkey!

This Thanksgiving I went up to see my grandparents and my other family. My grandparents live in an assisted living so we didn't have to make a turkey. But I made one anyway! However it was easy to make and only took two minutes to make before everyone started eating.

To make this Thanksgiving Turkey all you need is:

1 package Pepperoni

1 log Summer Sausage

1-2 blocks of cheese

1 box of Flip Sides Pretzel crackers

1 box of Ritz Crackers (I got snack book where there were only eight in a package and I only use two of the packages)

1 circular tray

Aluminum foil (optional)

Small Knife

and a Cheese cutter

So first you lay down a layer of the flipside crackers and where the crackers meet put another layer of crackers there but slightly lower. Then a little more toward the middle lay the slices of cheese (you can put more on than I did). After the cheese put a layer of pepperoni and then a layer of the Ritz crackers. Next take the log of summer sausage and cut off both the part (which will get used) and two round pieces. YOu may need more for the arms an legs so don't put it away just yet. Slice the end piece of the sausage into quarters. On top of the last layer put on round piece of sausage and then use 3-4 slices of cheese to make the body. Right under the head of the turkey put one of the quarters of sausage. Cut some sausage into four stick and put little slits in the sausage to make feet, then put the feet and arms on both sides of the turkey. Bam! You're turkey is completed.

Enjoy the rest of your November guys and I'll see you in the next post!

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